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Increase resilience: this is how you train your emotional resilience

Resilience  is referred to in psychology as the ability of a person to stay healthy even under high stress and under great strain. We are talking about the “immune system of the soul”.

A high level of resilience is therefore desirable for each of us, especially in the current situation. But what does it depend on and how can it even be increased?

We put these and other questions to Susanne Körtge, on the one hand department head for speech therapy and physiotherapy and on the other hand health coach (communication courses, company health management, etc.) and resilience trainer at the Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, and found out interesting facts

What makes a person resilient?

People are differently resilient. Some fall into a deep hole in crisis and stressful situations, others seem to wear a kind of emotional protective shield – strokes of fate do not throw them off track so easily, stress seems to literally roll off them.

“It depends on how strong the resistance of your own body is in crisis situations – what physical and psychological resources can be used to defy a crisis”, explains Susanne Körtge.

In order to cope with challenging situations, according to the expert, it is extremely important to be aware of these resources and strengths, or to become aware of them. What are possible power providers and what are power users in everyday life?

Strength takers such as negative thoughts, fears and worries should ideally be eliminated or even ideally converted into strength givers.

You can learn that. “Every time you face a crisis, you leave your comfort zone. With every step out of your comfort zone, you expand your own limits. This makes it increasingly easier for us to cope with difficult situations. This means that with every crisis, resilience automatically grows, ”says Susanne Körtge, describing the process of crisis management.

How can you train your resilience in a targeted manner?

Медитация для спокойствия и уверенности в себе: утренние и вечерние медитации для повышения самооценки у женщин, влияющие на подсознание

Love it, leave it or change it – that is the mantra to strengthen your “mental immune system”. As? According to resilience expert Susanne Körtge, the following applies:

Love it

Often we look for problems where there are actually none at all. We forget to be grateful and focus on the negative instead of the positive. In the first step, you should therefore check whether the situation is really as bad for you as it seems at first glance.

Put your focus forward. Do you perhaps succeed in gaining something positive from the situation in which you find yourself – even in learning to love it? Reflection can take you a big step further.

Leave it

If, after careful consideration, a situation burdens you in the long term and you can neither identify with it nor accept it, then leave this path and turn to new paths. We come across that more often in everyday life.

Circumstances that are stressful in the long run make you sick. So get rid of this “burden” and avoid it. Think about how you can ensure that undesirable situations are avoided and what steps are necessary to do so.

Once written down, you will have a practical plan for how you will deal with it. Then you can take action to make this plan a reality.

Change it

Just because you can’t accept an uncomfortable or even stressful situation doesn’t mean you have to avoid it completely. Rather, this is about creating situations so that you can change them. Ask yourself what you could change to make the situation more positive for you.

How important are sport and exercise to increase your resilience?

Способы поддержания здоровья на каждый день | Блог 4brain

Additional energy sources, in the form of compensation, are particularly important in overcoming crises, according to Susanne Körtge. They also increase mental resilience. This can be sport and exercise, but also relaxation, meditation, a good night’s sleep or creative activities.

Here you will find tips that will improve the quality of your sleep despite working from home.

Read our suggestions against anxiety, depression and loneliness here as well.

“Especially now in winter, when the days are getting shorter and it is often wet and cold outside, there are sports that are wonderful to let your thoughts wander. Once your head is clear, you can realign your focus and return to the important things in life, such as your goals. Sport strengthens body and soul, so to speak, “says Susanne Körtge, emphasizing the importance of sport.

As with training, you should set yourself goals in small stages and motivate yourself to achieve them. The goal in mind gives you a fixed point in life and structures your everyday life. Routines in everyday life give you security and strength for new things. And new things are fun!

Resilience is therefore responsible for ensuring that you do not let yourself be slowed down by negative thoughts. With enough exercise, a healthy diet and the right attitude, it can be increased and can give you a good dose of more optimism in difficult times. We can all take them right now.

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